Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Seriously, get me out of here!

I definitely need a new job. I've been at Taco Bell since I was 17, and I'm going to be 22 in a few months. It's getting ridiculous. I've been looking for new jobs. I've even rearranged my school semester to where I'm only taking evening and online courses, so I could work a day job. I only have this last semester left in school, and I'm getting nervous that I'm not going to find any kind of decent job after I graduate. I'm willing to work full-time while going to school full-time. I've done it before. I guess this blog isn't so much about fun, more just me venting about my apprehensions about my future.

Anyone have any ideas?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Toothpaste for dinner agrees...

So, I'm not the only one who finds this CAPTCHA stuff to be questionable. Check out this comic.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

It's hard to explain...

Sometimes I have a really difficult time explaining why I don't like the Olympics. I've never liked them. They just bore me. The repetitive, predictable games, the droning, unoriginal commentators. Booooorrrinnnnggg! Seriously, how long can I watch people swim before I get the idea? I get it, I get it. America wins. Very exciting.

I think it'd be easier to tell people I refuse to watch them because I'm boycotting China's human rights. At least that way I'd seem like an admirable, compassionate person, not just a bitter, unathletic man with an insufferably short attention span.