Friday, July 25, 2008

Comic book movies and how they're saving cinema

Okay, I'm pretty aware that I'm not the first person to write about The Dark Knight and how amazing it is. I know that. I also know that I'm not the first person to write about how great Heath Ledger was as The Joker, either. I went and saw The Dark Knight on Sunday and it was one of the greatest films I've seen, ever. I'm not very much of a comic book aficionado, to say the least, but I'm starting to love the comic book movie genre that seems to be erupting since the turn of the new millennium.

Comic book movies have something to offer for everyone: the comic book geeks, the testosterone-filled action-loving dudes, and those of us who just love great writing and character development in movies. Lately, the problem with movies seems to be the lacking of a real, actual story. Directors like Michael Bay, Jerry Bruckheimer, and the like seem to find storylines, plots, and character development to be secondary to special effects so out of this world you grow hair on your chest just watching them. Now please, don't get me wrong. I am still a guy, and I do love action, violence, and explosions as much as the next guy.... when they are properly implemented. The Dark Knight has action, violence, and explosions WITH an excellent storyline and chillingly deep characters added on.

See, what the comic book movie is offering this generation of movie-watchers is a chance to get all the "guy effects" in movies with a little bit of writing attached. I know, "What, writing? In an action movie?!" I had never heard of such a thing, either. In The Dark Knight, you get to the core of Batman and The Joker's psyche. You gradually realize what they're all about, and you learn about human nature in the process. While I'm not a comic book fan per se, I'm starting to love the movies coming out about them. Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Iron Man.. all great films. And from now on I'm going to give any comic book movie I can an honest chance, and I'd urge any of you to do the same.

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